Professor of economics, corruption fighter, former EITI Board member, detained on dubious charges, denied essential medication and care. He has been nominated for the European Union Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 2024.

About Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu is an oil and gas industry critic, corruption fighter and academic. He worked at the London School of Economics and was supposed to start a new position at TU Dresden in the fall of 2023. His research focuses on oil revenue management, elite’s assets abroad, and EU oil and gas contracts with Azerbaijan. He focused on the political effects of natural resources in Azerbaijan and Russia. Furthermore, he has extensively researched Aliyev and Erdoghan’s corruption and embezzlement in Nagorno-Karabakh. He has also investigated the Azerbaijani elite’s assets and offshore companies abroad, especially in London. He has published various articles on Russian evasion of sanctions with the help of Azerbaijan. Together with Crude Accountability, Dr. Gubad has led various campaigns against BP oil company. Dr. Gubad has been investigating money laundering in London and as a part of UN Coalition Against Corruption Stolen Asset Recovery Group established the Azerbaijani Youth Education Foundation in the UK, to support higher education for young Azerbaijanis, place them in universities abroad, and foster a new generation of professionals “for Azerbaijan’s future.” He stated on Facebook that the foundation would be funded by donations and also by foreign assets confiscated from corrupt Azerbaijani elites abroad.

On July 23, Gubad Ibadoghlu and his wife were attacked by around 20 individuals in a staged incident, resulting in a forced traffic accident and a physical assault. Dr. Gubad is charged with the distribution of counterfeit money and extremism. Despite the lack of evidence, his detention was extended 3 times (last time from May 20 to August 20). On April 22, 2024 he was moved to house arrest due to international pressure. Currently, Dr. Gubad’s case is frozen and he is under house arrest and police surveillance. Police cars and cameras are equipped around his house and he is deprived of any communication equipment.

During his detention, Dr. Gubad was deprived of drinkable water, proper food and medication. He was threatened multiple times with the safety of his children and his wife. The head of detention center threatened him to rape his wife, and attack his children abroad. Dr. Gubad was kept in a 15 m^2 room with 6 people who were constantly trying to provoke him. The bright light in his room was on 24 hours, he was kept in the same place with various constantly screaming inmates. Dr. Gubad was not allowed to his cell room and see the sky for more than 9 months, which is a violation of Geneva Convention. His children also are victims of transnational aggression, they were followed, their accommodation was raided, their personal pictures were spreaded online by Azerbaijani government. All his family members were subject to travel bans and intimidation. Despite the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issuing an interim measure (Rule 39) and UN SR Mary Lowler demanding Dr. Gubad’s transfer to the hospital due to critical health conditions, the Azerbaijani government has not complied. While in detention Dr. Gubad’s health has significantly worsened, with an elevated risk of aortic rupture, heart complications, prostate problems, and considerable weight loss. Torture in the detention center and inadequate conditions, including constant lighting at night, affected his sleep and overall well-being. He faces mobility issues due to nerve damage and spinal column degeneration, experiencing intense pain even during court hearings. The International Committee of the Red Cross and International Center for Torture Victims were not allowed to visit him while in detention. Due to restricted access to a doctor and denied visits from international organizations, Dr. Gubad is at high risk of a diabetic coma, evident in his blood sugar level of 20 mmol/l. His aortic root has expanded to 5.0 cm while the maximum norm is 3.7 cm; this requires immediate surgery that is not possible to perform in Azerbaijan due to lack of medical expertise and political nature of his case. He is also deprived of national ID that does not allow him to be treated as a patient in any hospital in Azerbaijan.

The Dresden University of Technology published a statement, saying that they are waiting for him to start his work there. The European Parliament adopted 2 resolutions urging his release and access to healthcare, while the US House of Representatives and the US Senate both have draft resolutions for his support. The German Bundestag and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have published statements in his support.

His Health Condition

Health issues:

  • Aortic Root Expansion: His aortic root has expanded to 5.0 cm, significantly exceeding the maximum norm of 3.7 cm. This condition requires immediate surgery, which cannot be performed in Azerbaijan due to the lack of medical expertise and the political nature of his case.
  • Deprivation of National ID: He is deprived of a national ID, preventing him from being treated as a patient in any hospital in Azerbaijan.
  • Urgent Need for Surgery and Transfer: As a professor at Dresden University of Technology, he needs to be transferred to Germany for the necessary surgery and to continue his academic work.

Other health issues:

  • Herniated Spinal Column L3, LR, L4-L5 disk damage: As a result of torture when detained, his spinal column is damaged leading difficulty in walking and severe pains.
  • Diabetic neuropathy resulting in damaged nerves on legs and feet: As a result of diabetic neuropathy, he experiences pain and numbness in the legs, feet, and hands. It causes problems with the digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart. Further, Diabetic dermopathy causes various skin darkening spots on his legs and arms caused by high diabetes.
  • Thyroid Nodule: Local hospital rejected to go forward with biopsy. Azerbaijani government reported on it to ECtHR, but no details are given. It results in him having difficulty breathing, swallowing, and neck pain.
  • Hyperglycaemia: high blood sugar levels leading up the damaged blood vessels on liver, kidneys and heart.
  • Prostatitis: Causing difficulty of urinating, painful urination, and constant urination especially at night.
  • Hepatosteatosis I-II, fatty liver, and liver damage: Exogeneity is increased due to steatosis and connective tissues damage. Furthermore, hepatosteatosis I-II grade is fatty-liver disease, meaning accumulation of fat in liver diseases.
  • Hepatomegaly: enlarged liver that can cause cancer, heart disease and metabolic disturbance.
  • Lower levels of thrombocytes, thrombocytes in the blood: Blood leaking from blood vessels and longer lasting bleedings.
  • Pathophysiology of Cholelithiasis: is an accumulation of sludge and cholelithiasis in the contents of gallbladder. It is caused by the feeding conditions of the detention centre.
  • Acute Pancreatitis: diffuse echo structural changes of the pancreas. Again, caused by the feeding conditions of the detention centre.
  • Cataracts on his eyes: Due to high diabetes, cloudy build up is forming in the eyes’ lens and blurring his vision.